Advantages and Disadvantages of Calculators

Technology is booming, and modern innovations has changed our lives. There is a huge debate in our society, whether students should be allowed to use a calculator from such a young age. The advantages of calculators are balanced by the disadvantages. That is, the debate has both positive and negative sides.

Below, we’ll look at the significant advantages and disadvantages of calculators and how you can use these powerful tools in the right settings.

Advantages of Calculators

Calculators allow students solve complicated problems quickly and in an efficient manner. Additionally, it can reduce the problem to simpler tasks and allows the student to devote more time in understanding the problem. Secondly, they are saved from monotonous calculations and the same boring mundane procedure.

The above advantages help students to avoid boredom, and it does not demoralize their mathematical understanding. If mathematics is not made entertaining, pupils can feel bored, and it can demoralize their mathematical understanding.

Moreover, when teachers realize that the mathematical capacity of some of their pupils are not so great, using this handheld device or the online calculator platforms, helps them manage addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems in an efficient manner. Teachers understand that the student would not have learned mathematical table of 20x, or would be well versed in solving the problem without the help of a mathematical device or paper. They would make fewer mistakes and will be more comfortable in solving tough problems. If a student is confident about his or her ability, then the problem seems halfway solved.

Most handheld or online calculators are relatively cheap, various designs and functionality suitable for various budgets. They are also inexpensive to maintain once handled with care.

As a professional, in any field, the calculator save time, energy and increases efficiency in workplace.

Just as we’ve discussed the advantages, we must also cover the disadvantages that calculators could potentially bring.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Calculators

Disadvantages of Calculators

The Calculator is available in variety of brands, and each brand and model requires a specific set of instructions. It is a proven fact that many of us do not bother to read these manual, and it gets lost. Although the instructions are quite simple, there are chances that students might make mistake. A small mistake is sufficient to lead to the wrong answer. A student must have the ability of estimating the correct answers or the student would not cross check the problem. It is in the best interest of students to repeat all the mathematical calculation once. Alternatively, if there is difference in answers between the first and second calculation, the student must repeat the operations again.

There are many instants where a student or individual can make mistakes, such as punching the wrong buttons, forgetting to change the mode, incorrect rounding up of values and wrong methods of evaluating brackets.


Even though calculators can do the basic operations instantly, students should not use it all the time. When a student is always dependent on a calculator for solving problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, it may make them incapable of solving these basic operations manually. This may cause them real trouble during their tests and even at the later stages of their life where they will need these skills to solve complex problems.


The availability of graphic calculators has made it easier for students to cheat during their tests. Besides letting you perform basic mathematical operations, these calculators allow you to store information like notes, formulas etc. This gives students an opportunity to store unauthorized information to cheat on the test. This is one of the major disadvantages of a calculator.

High cost

While the cost of a simple calculator is not that high, calculators like the graphing calculator are expensive. In addition to that, these calculators need batteries to operate which is again a recurring cost. However, you have the option to use online calculators for the purpose which gives you access to all the functionality of a physical calculator. Consider visiting Nickzom Calculator on Google play store for access to all the features that are needed to solve basic and complex mathematical operations.

Lastly, some research have it that if the use of this handheld device will not be stopped in the near future. We might lack quality scientists with great computational skills in the near future. Hence, there must be rules and guidelines framed by the top educational institutions. These rules must ensure that the students are not deprived of their own skills.

Are there any other advantages or disadvantages you feel could be added, let us know in the comments section below.

Want to explore the power of the Nickzom calculator, use the following links to access the calculator. It works for chemistry, engineering, physics, mathematics, medicine, and even personal uses like fertility and ovulation checks!

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